Social Development Specialist

Дата публикации: 8 месяцев назад
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Сведения о вакансии

  • Местонахождение:
    И.Сомони, Душанбе, Таджикистан
  • Компания:
  • Тип:
  • Смена работы:
    Полный день
  • Позиции:
  • Опыт:
    более 4 года
  • Пол:
    без разницы
  • Истечение срока подачи:
    7 месяцев назад

Преимущества вакансии

  1. Scope of Work

The Social Development Specialist would work as part of the Project Implementation Group (PIG) and will be guided by the social management related provisions of the Legal Agreement and Project Operations Manual. The Social Development Specialist will perform the following tasks:

  • Support the PIG in identifying a) the potential social risks that could emerge due to the project investment, b) vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, and c) opportunities for enhancing the social performance and development outcomes of the project;
  • Support the development of necessary Environment and Social (E&S) instruments for risk management as part of project preparation and ensure its alignment with the project components;
  • Closely guide the agencies contracted for the preparation of E&S instruments in understanding the ESF requirements;
  • Facilitate their work through coordination with the concerned department and agencies to ensure quality and time-bound preparation of all the necessary documents;
  • Ensure that the projects Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), Livelihoods Restoration Plans (LRP), Labour Management Procedures (LMP), Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) and any other instrument required to be developed during the preparation phase follow the ESF guidelines and the risk mitigation hierarchy;
  • Develop project management procedures and work flows to ensure efficient social risk management in line with the project’s ESMF, RPF, LRP, LMP, SEP, E&S risk-screening and other measures for their efficient implementation at the sub-project level;
  • Support the PIG in developing measures to promote social inclusion, equity, community engagement, participation, gender mainstreaming, social behaviour change communication, grievance mechanisms and ensure avoidance of adverse social impacts related to involuntary resettlement, livelihoods losses, weak labour management and risks of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse or Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) at Workplace;
  • Support the PIG during preparation of the project’s monitoring plan to ensure inclusion of key social development and gender related indicators;
  • Support the PIG in developing and subsequently applying E&S risk screening mechanisms at the sub-project level to assess adverse social risks and impacts and identifying mitigation measures based on the nature and scale of those impacts;
  • Support the PIG, the field level teams and contractors in implementing activities recommended by the various E&S instruments;
  • Support the contractors and relevant executing agencies in developing sub-project level E&S Management Plans (ESMPs) and/ or Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) which are aligned with the project’s ESMF and RPF;
  • Review these documents and monitor their implementation, including measures for livelihood restoration of those economically impacted, like the waste collectors/processors, rag-pickers, etc;
  • Ensure continuous dialogue and engagement with project stakeholders, regular information sharing and disclosure of project related information throughout the project cycle;
  • Support the PIG in ensuring a project level Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM), by either developing a new or strengthening an existing mechanism being used by the implementing agency, and track its functioning and effectiveness through the project duration;
  • Identify E&S related capacity gaps within the implementing agency and other project stakeholders, and based on it develop and conduct (or organise) trainings for relevant Project teams and partners (including communities, PAs/consultants) to enhance their E&S capacity in congruence with the ESMF, RPF, and other instruments;
  • Undertake regular monitoring of project sites to ensure that key social risks related to- a) exclusion or low participation of vulnerable or marginalised groups, b) poor or unsafe working conditions for labour, forced or child labour, labour influx, c) adverse impacts of land acquisition, involuntary resettlement, physical or economic displacement, d) community health and safety, including SEA.SH or Gender Based Violence (GBV) and e) poor ownership or participation of stakeholders- are either avoided or proportionate mitigation measures are in place to mitigate their adverse impacts;
  • Draw attention of project authorities to any unforeseen social impacts that seem to arise, and ensure placement of timely and effective measures to mitigate their adverse impacts;
  • Ensure timely submission of E&S progress reports by the sub-projects, monitoring reports by Project Management Consultants/ Supervision Agencies hired by the project to the PIG
  • Review these progress and monitoring reports, seek clarifications and provide feedback on them;
  • Prepare, along with PIG Environment Specialist, the periodic E&S progress reports for submission to the World Bank



III. Assignment Duration

The assignment will span the entire Project implementation period, i.e. until 31 October 2024, as agreed by the Parties subject to 3 months probation period.


  1. Reporting

The Specialist will be subordinate to the Project of the PIG under the Smart City SUE. Monthly reports should be prepared and submitted in Russian in both soft and hard copy in line with internal procedures.


  1. Place of Work

The Specialist will be based in the PIG office at the Smart City SUE. The Smart City SUE will provide the Specialist with documents required for service provision and a workstation with access to Internet and office equipment.


  1. Qualification Requirements
  • Post graduate qualification in sociology, anthropology, political science, public administration, management or related areas;
  • At least 8 years of related work experience and extensive experience in social development and monitoring of development projects implemented in Tajikistan;
  • Understanding of the Word Bank’s ESF and social development approaches;
  • Thorough understanding of Tajikistan’s regulations and procedures, especially those related to social development, worker-labour management, social vulnerabilities, public consultation as well as social inclusion and gender;
  • Extensive knowledge of the Tajik social institutions, especially those related to land tenures, procedures of land take and resettlement mechanisms, , as well as their role in governance at central, regional, district, and community levels;
  • Experience in working on promoting citizen’s engagement and social accountability instruments to improve feedback with government institutions;
  • Practical understanding of urban governance and past experience of working on social issues around waste management and livelihoods restoration will be an added advantage;
  • Mandatory knowledge of Tajik and Russian; fluency in English would be an advantage.



Candidates should send a cover latter and resume to : indicating the vacancy Social Development . Candidates who have passed the preliminary selection will be invited for an interview. The deadline for submission is January 23, 2024.






Описание вакансии

The Project will support Dushanbe in addressing its pressing solid waste management challenges, which is of high importance for the city’s green and sustainable development. Dushanbe’s improved solid waste management will put the city on a long-term track towards cradle-to-cradle economy where resources are reused and waste is minimized.


The Project is comprised of four components. Component 1 — Solid waste collection efficiency: This component will improve the adequacy and efficiency of the solid waste collection services provided by four waste collection SUEs. Component 2 — Solid waste processing and disposal: This component will upgrade and rehabilitate physical and operational elements of the Dushanbe landfill, as well as improve its environmental setting, performance, contributing to mitigating climate change impacts, scaling up resource recovery, and satisfying waste pickers’ needs. Component 3 — Institutional strengthening: This component will strengthen a wide range of institutional aspects of Dushanbe’s integrated solid waste management, enhance required institutional capacity as well as improve performance management within adequate policies. Component 4 — Project management: This component will support incremental operating costs of the PIG and project management consultants.


The Social Development Specialist will coordinate and implement social development and social risk management measures, including citizen feedback mechanisms, and overall supervision of social mobilization.

О компании

И.Сомони, Душанбе, Таджикистан

ГУП «Умный город (Smart City)» исполнительного органа государственной власти города Душанбе, специализирующийся в сфере информационных коммуникационных технологий по реализации проектов «Умных городов», с целью улучшения город... Польный просмотр

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Свяжитесь с нами
735140, Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Ismoili Somoni district, Hofizi Sherozi Avenue, Tahmos 377а str, "Navruzgoh" building.